X. Circulation Policy
A. Registration
All borrowers must be registered in the circulation system to borrow library materials.
Patrons must fill out an application form to register for a new library card. The following statement will be printed on the registration form for the patron’s information and acceptance:
By signing this card, I understand that I am responsible for fines or damages incurred under this account. Unpaid fines will result in the suspension of all library services, including programming and computer usage, for myself and all persons I have signed for.
Identification is required. A driver’s license or Michigan ID is acceptable. Identification must have the current local address of the patron. If current address is not listed on the ID, the patron must have a current tax bill showing their name as owner of a property within the library’s service area. The WPTL service area consists of a six-mile radius from the library (in Michigan only), but encompassing all of the White Pigeon, Mottville, and Florence townships.
New patrons (including part-time residents) are limited to two items at a time for the first 90 days. If the patron checks out at least 12 items and there are no overdue problems during that probationary period, the patron will be upgraded to a regular patron with a 25-item limit (2-5 for children, depending on parents’ preference). In special cases, such as a homeschooling parent, the limit may be raised to 50 items.
Fee Patrons (see B. Non-service Area Patrons) are also limited to 2 items at a time for the first 90 days. After the fee patron checks out at least 12 items and there are no overdue problems during that probationary period, the patron will be upgraded to a regular fee patron with a 5-item limit.
The minimum age to apply for a library card is 5 years old. Applicants under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian give their consent on the application form before a child’s membership can be issued.
In order to give consent for a child’s card, the parent or legal guardian must have a WPTL library card in good standing.
When a child turns 18, any fines or fees on the child’s card will be transferred to the parent or legal guardian who has signed as responsible party for the child’s card.
The 18-year-old will then fill out an adult card and will become a new patron with the standard new patron restrictions.
B. Non-service Area Patrons
Non-service Area Patrons are those who live outside the library’s service area of a six-mile radius from the library (in Michigan only), but encompassing all of the White Pigeon, Mottville, and Florence townships. Non-service Area Patrons will be subject to a $25 annual fee per patron unless the fee is waived by the Director or AD.
C. Loan Periods
Standard loan periods are as follows:
1.Two weeks for books, audiobooks, music CDs, VHS videos, and periodicals.
2.Two days for DVDs.
3.Patrons may check out only three items at a time that are marked “new book”. Items marked “new book” may not be renewed.
4.Reference books do not circulate. Upon request, five photocopied pages are free to patrons.
5.Most items may be renewed three times if there is no reservation in place. Movies not marked “new” may be renewed one time. Periodicals, reserved items, new books, and new and Netflix movies may not be renewed.
6.Interlibrary loan items are due the date indicated by the lending library.
7.Items borrowed from interlibrary loan may be renewed one time.
Patrons may borrow only three items at a time on any one subject, author, or series.
The Director may establish a 1 item limit for patrons with a history of overdues, damaged items and/or lost items. If the excessive overdues have been primarily on video and DVD loans, the Director may limit the patron to printed items only.
D. Reserves
Reservations may be placed by patrons either in person, on line on our website or Facebook page, or by phone. Patrons will be notified by phone, text, or email when materials are available. After the notification is given, the item will be held for two days, then returned to the stacks or given to the next patron on reserve.
There is no charge to the patron to place a reservation.
E. Fines and Charges
There is a 10¢ per day per item fine for overdue items ($1.00 per day per item for visual materials). A first notice is sent, or a call made, after the items are one week overdue. The library will make every effort to contact the patron and encourage the return of the library materials. If the items are not returned within a designated period, a bill will be sent for the materials with the cost of replacement of the items plus fines accumulated and a $5.00 processing fee per item. Patrons with overdue items, or $1.00 or more in fines or fees, will be subject to the suspension of all library services, including programming and computer usage until the items are returned or replaced and all fines are paid.
F. Damaged Materials
If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the Director or AD as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the retail replacement cost plus fines accumulated and a $5.00 processing fee. The patron will be informed of the cost.
G. Confidentiality
All records concerning library users and materials used or checked out by users are confidential and will not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government or any other person unless a court order requiring disclosure has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction. All requests for such information must be referred to the Director or AD.
H. Pest Control Policy
For the protection of all library users, the White Pigeon Township Library must ensure a healthy and clean environment and collection. Therefore, it may be necessary for the Library to restrict a patron’s ability to borrow materials and/or visit the Library when such use compromises the health and cleanliness of Library facilities or collections.
Situations where library privileges may be suspended include, but are not limited to:
1. Evidence that items loaned to a patron were returned containing insects that are known to be damaging to library materials, e.g. roaches and silverfish
2. Evidence that items checked out by a patron were returned containing insects that can result in pest infestations in library facilities, e.g. bed bugs, fleas, or roaches.
3. Evidence that pests that may result in infestations in library facilities are present on the person or possessions of a Library visitor.
If it is necessary for facility or borrowing privileges to be suspended, the Library Director or AD will notify the suspended patron by letter. Patrons seeking a reinstatement of their library privileges will need to provide the Director or AD with documentation that the pest problem has been adequately addressed. Examples of this documentation include, but are not limited to:
1. Receipts for treatment/inspection from a licensed pest control company
2. A written statement from the owner or property manager of a multi-family rental residence verifying treatment
The library will make an effort to treat and repair damaged books that are returned with evidence of pests. If the items are no longer able to be used for circulation, they will be deleted from the collection. Patrons returning damaged or ruined items will be notified of any charges owed.
1st Offense – The patron’s household will be forgiven up to $100 worth of late fees, processing fees, and item costs of any items returned with pest damage.
2nd Offense and beyond – The patron will be charged late fees, processing fees, and the full cost of any damaged library items.
The library director or AD will determine whether the returned items is usable or will need to be deleted.
Updated 4/27/2022
A. Registration
All borrowers must be registered in the circulation system to borrow library materials.
Patrons must fill out an application form to register for a new library card. The following statement will be printed on the registration form for the patron’s information and acceptance:
By signing this card, I understand that I am responsible for fines or damages incurred under this account. Unpaid fines will result in the suspension of all library services, including programming and computer usage, for myself and all persons I have signed for.
Identification is required. A driver’s license or Michigan ID is acceptable. Identification must have the current local address of the patron. If current address is not listed on the ID, the patron must have a current tax bill showing their name as owner of a property within the library’s service area. The WPTL service area consists of a six-mile radius from the library (in Michigan only), but encompassing all of the White Pigeon, Mottville, and Florence townships.
New patrons (including part-time residents) are limited to two items at a time for the first 90 days. If the patron checks out at least 12 items and there are no overdue problems during that probationary period, the patron will be upgraded to a regular patron with a 25-item limit (2-5 for children, depending on parents’ preference). In special cases, such as a homeschooling parent, the limit may be raised to 50 items.
Fee Patrons (see B. Non-service Area Patrons) are also limited to 2 items at a time for the first 90 days. After the fee patron checks out at least 12 items and there are no overdue problems during that probationary period, the patron will be upgraded to a regular fee patron with a 5-item limit.
The minimum age to apply for a library card is 5 years old. Applicants under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian give their consent on the application form before a child’s membership can be issued.
In order to give consent for a child’s card, the parent or legal guardian must have a WPTL library card in good standing.
When a child turns 18, any fines or fees on the child’s card will be transferred to the parent or legal guardian who has signed as responsible party for the child’s card.
The 18-year-old will then fill out an adult card and will become a new patron with the standard new patron restrictions.
B. Non-service Area Patrons
Non-service Area Patrons are those who live outside the library’s service area of a six-mile radius from the library (in Michigan only), but encompassing all of the White Pigeon, Mottville, and Florence townships. Non-service Area Patrons will be subject to a $25 annual fee per patron unless the fee is waived by the Director or AD.
C. Loan Periods
Standard loan periods are as follows:
1.Two weeks for books, audiobooks, music CDs, VHS videos, and periodicals.
2.Two days for DVDs.
3.Patrons may check out only three items at a time that are marked “new book”. Items marked “new book” may not be renewed.
4.Reference books do not circulate. Upon request, five photocopied pages are free to patrons.
5.Most items may be renewed three times if there is no reservation in place. Movies not marked “new” may be renewed one time. Periodicals, reserved items, new books, and new and Netflix movies may not be renewed.
6.Interlibrary loan items are due the date indicated by the lending library.
7.Items borrowed from interlibrary loan may be renewed one time.
Patrons may borrow only three items at a time on any one subject, author, or series.
The Director may establish a 1 item limit for patrons with a history of overdues, damaged items and/or lost items. If the excessive overdues have been primarily on video and DVD loans, the Director may limit the patron to printed items only.
D. Reserves
Reservations may be placed by patrons either in person, on line on our website or Facebook page, or by phone. Patrons will be notified by phone, text, or email when materials are available. After the notification is given, the item will be held for two days, then returned to the stacks or given to the next patron on reserve.
There is no charge to the patron to place a reservation.
E. Fines and Charges
There is a 10¢ per day per item fine for overdue items ($1.00 per day per item for visual materials). A first notice is sent, or a call made, after the items are one week overdue. The library will make every effort to contact the patron and encourage the return of the library materials. If the items are not returned within a designated period, a bill will be sent for the materials with the cost of replacement of the items plus fines accumulated and a $5.00 processing fee per item. Patrons with overdue items, or $1.00 or more in fines or fees, will be subject to the suspension of all library services, including programming and computer usage until the items are returned or replaced and all fines are paid.
F. Damaged Materials
If materials are damaged so as to be judged by the Director or AD as being unsuitable for the collection, the patron must pay the retail replacement cost plus fines accumulated and a $5.00 processing fee. The patron will be informed of the cost.
G. Confidentiality
All records concerning library users and materials used or checked out by users are confidential and will not be made available to any agency of state, federal or local government or any other person unless a court order requiring disclosure has been entered by a court of competent jurisdiction. All requests for such information must be referred to the Director or AD.
H. Pest Control Policy
For the protection of all library users, the White Pigeon Township Library must ensure a healthy and clean environment and collection. Therefore, it may be necessary for the Library to restrict a patron’s ability to borrow materials and/or visit the Library when such use compromises the health and cleanliness of Library facilities or collections.
Situations where library privileges may be suspended include, but are not limited to:
1. Evidence that items loaned to a patron were returned containing insects that are known to be damaging to library materials, e.g. roaches and silverfish
2. Evidence that items checked out by a patron were returned containing insects that can result in pest infestations in library facilities, e.g. bed bugs, fleas, or roaches.
3. Evidence that pests that may result in infestations in library facilities are present on the person or possessions of a Library visitor.
If it is necessary for facility or borrowing privileges to be suspended, the Library Director or AD will notify the suspended patron by letter. Patrons seeking a reinstatement of their library privileges will need to provide the Director or AD with documentation that the pest problem has been adequately addressed. Examples of this documentation include, but are not limited to:
1. Receipts for treatment/inspection from a licensed pest control company
2. A written statement from the owner or property manager of a multi-family rental residence verifying treatment
The library will make an effort to treat and repair damaged books that are returned with evidence of pests. If the items are no longer able to be used for circulation, they will be deleted from the collection. Patrons returning damaged or ruined items will be notified of any charges owed.
1st Offense – The patron’s household will be forgiven up to $100 worth of late fees, processing fees, and item costs of any items returned with pest damage.
2nd Offense and beyond – The patron will be charged late fees, processing fees, and the full cost of any damaged library items.
The library director or AD will determine whether the returned items is usable or will need to be deleted.
Updated 4/27/2022