XV. Internet Use Policy
Updated March 24, 2014
- Patrons may use the public computers for research and the acquisition of information to address their educational, vocational, cultural, and recreational needs
- Computer use is offered in 30-45 minute sessions on a first-come, first-served basis; each user is allowed one session--if there is no patron waiting for the service at the end of a session, the user can have another session, but once having had the service for 30-45 minutes the user must abandon use of the computer if another patron requests use of the service
- During extremely busy times, the staff may shorten the computer usage session for all users
- Users will respect and uphold copyright laws and all other applicable laws and regulations; they will not use it for illegal purposes
- Users will respect the rights and privacy of others by not accessing private files
- Users agree not to incur any costs for the library through their use of the Internet service
- Users shall not create and/or distribute computer viruses over the Internet
- Users shall not deliberately or willfully cause damage to computer equipment, programs, or parameters
- Patrons with overdue materials or unpaid fines of $1.00 or more may be prohibited from computer use until materials are returned and/or fines are paid
Updated March 24, 2014