XVI. Dorothy Lee Community Room Usage
A. AvailabilityThe Dorothy Lee Community Room is available for educational, cultural, civic, informational, and similar uses during normal library operating hours. It may not, however, be used for sales, fundraising, gambling, campaigning, or private parties, nor by an individual or group advocating discrimination, violence, or noncompliance, disruption, or efforts to ignore the established international, national, state, and/or local laws, codes and ordinances. Permission to use the meeting room in no way implies library endorsement of goals or activities of any organization using the rooms.
B. OccupancyOccupancy is limited to a total of 30 people.
C. SchedulingMeetings must be scheduled by written application in advance of the date for which the room is needed. The application form, available at the circulation desk, must be completed by the designated representative of the group requesting the use of the room. Scheduling is arranged on a first-come, first-serve basis. Approval for use will be given by the authority of the Library Director. The Library Director reserves the right to refuse use of the Dorothy Lee Room to groups because of excessive noise, misuse, damage, or failure to abide by this policy.
The Library has priority over any group for use of the Dorothy Lee Room. Every effort is made to avoid scheduling conflicts, but if such should occur, use of the room by the Library will take precedence.
E. Responsibility and LiabilityThe representative of the organization using the Dorothy Lee Community Room is responsible for any damages to the room and/or its furnishings during such use. The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability on groups or individuals attending a meeting in the library.
White Pigeon Township Library
Dorothy Lee Community Room Usage Application
Group Name:________________________________________________________
Contact Person:
Name:__________________________________ Phone:_____________________
Date requested:__________________________ Time:___________________
Number of People in attendance: _________
Purpose of Reservation:
Number of Tables needed:______ Number of Chairs needed:_______
Group is responsible for set up and general clean-up of the room. The meeting room must be left in a clean and orderly condition – future use will be denied if this is not observed.
Meetings must adjourn and participants must exit the library premises at least 10 minutes before the Library closes. Dorothy Lee Room access is not allowed outside scheduled library hours.
Patron Responsibilities and Conduct policies apply to patrons while in the Dorothy Lee Room and on the entire library grounds.
By signing this document, I agree to the Dorothy Lee Room Usage guidelines.
I agree to the $25 per use non-refundable rental fee. I also agree that White Pigeon Township, White Pigeon Township Library, its staff and board shall be held harmless for any damage, loss, or liability occurring while using the Dorothy Lee Community Room.
_________________________________________ ________________
Group representative signature Date
_________________________________________ _________________
Library Director Date
Updated: July 14, 2021
A. AvailabilityThe Dorothy Lee Community Room is available for educational, cultural, civic, informational, and similar uses during normal library operating hours. It may not, however, be used for sales, fundraising, gambling, campaigning, or private parties, nor by an individual or group advocating discrimination, violence, or noncompliance, disruption, or efforts to ignore the established international, national, state, and/or local laws, codes and ordinances. Permission to use the meeting room in no way implies library endorsement of goals or activities of any organization using the rooms.
B. OccupancyOccupancy is limited to a total of 30 people.
C. SchedulingMeetings must be scheduled by written application in advance of the date for which the room is needed. The application form, available at the circulation desk, must be completed by the designated representative of the group requesting the use of the room. Scheduling is arranged on a first-come, first-serve basis. Approval for use will be given by the authority of the Library Director. The Library Director reserves the right to refuse use of the Dorothy Lee Room to groups because of excessive noise, misuse, damage, or failure to abide by this policy.
The Library has priority over any group for use of the Dorothy Lee Room. Every effort is made to avoid scheduling conflicts, but if such should occur, use of the room by the Library will take precedence.
- Rules of Use
- The Dorothy Lee Room may be used for educational, cultural, civic, informational, and similar uses.
- The cost of usage of the Dorothy Lee Room is $25.00 per meeting. This fee is due at the time of reservation and is not refundable. The cost of usage may be waived by the Library Director. A hold harmless agreement may be required for participation in library programming.
- The Dorothy Lee Room must be reserved by persons 18 years or older. There must be a responsible adult present in the room during the entire usage period.
- The Dorothy Lee Room may be scheduled for meetings not to exceed three (3) hours in duration unless approved by the Library Director. Meetings must adjourn and participants must exit the library premises at least 10 minutes before the Library closes. Dorothy Lee Room access is not allowed outside scheduled library hours.
- Refreshments are allowed in the Dorothy Lee Room. All food, drink, and consumable items such as coffee cups, napkins, and condiments must be supplied by the group using the room. The Dorothy Lee Room may not be booked for social events such as birthday parties, weddings, wedding/baby showers, receptions, etc.
- The Library is a tobacco-free facility. No alcohol or illegal drugs are permitted on the premises.
- Patron Responsibilities and Conduct policies apply to patrons while in the Dorothy Lee Room and on the entire library grounds.
- Groups must remain within the Dorothy Lee Room unless other arrangements have been made with the exception of restroom usage. The restrooms are located inside the main library area. A responsible adult must accompany children under seven years of age at all times while using the library, restrooms, Dorothy Lee Room, and library grounds.
- The scheduled group is responsible for the setting up chairs, tables, furniture and/or library or non-library equipment prior to the meeting and for returning all library property to the designated location upon conclusion of the meeting and before the library closes. The meeting room must be left in a clean and orderly condition – future use will be denied if this is not observed.
E. Responsibility and LiabilityThe representative of the organization using the Dorothy Lee Community Room is responsible for any damages to the room and/or its furnishings during such use. The Library Board and staff do not assume any liability on groups or individuals attending a meeting in the library.
White Pigeon Township Library
Dorothy Lee Community Room Usage Application
Group Name:________________________________________________________
Contact Person:
Name:__________________________________ Phone:_____________________
Date requested:__________________________ Time:___________________
Number of People in attendance: _________
Purpose of Reservation:
Number of Tables needed:______ Number of Chairs needed:_______
Group is responsible for set up and general clean-up of the room. The meeting room must be left in a clean and orderly condition – future use will be denied if this is not observed.
Meetings must adjourn and participants must exit the library premises at least 10 minutes before the Library closes. Dorothy Lee Room access is not allowed outside scheduled library hours.
Patron Responsibilities and Conduct policies apply to patrons while in the Dorothy Lee Room and on the entire library grounds.
By signing this document, I agree to the Dorothy Lee Room Usage guidelines.
I agree to the $25 per use non-refundable rental fee. I also agree that White Pigeon Township, White Pigeon Township Library, its staff and board shall be held harmless for any damage, loss, or liability occurring while using the Dorothy Lee Community Room.
_________________________________________ ________________
Group representative signature Date
_________________________________________ _________________
Library Director Date
Updated: July 14, 2021

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