XXI. Disaster Policy
- Emergency Communications
Should a query from the news media be received when the Library Director or AD is unavailable, the staff person may answer queries of a general nature, but should reserve the right to forward the query in the following manner: "The person who can best answer your question is the Director. Contact information is Director Perri Saunders, 269-689-0991.”
This statement and procedure should also be followed if any authorized agent of the F.B.I.; C.I.A.; or other law enforcement agency whether state or federal, calls or presents in person for information concerning the Library, patrons, circulation, etc. Any inquiry should be forwarded to the Library Director or AD.
- Fire
The time to think about fires is before they happen. Familiarize yourself with the type, location, and application of the fire extinguisher(s) in the building. Orient all staff and volunteers to this information.
- Health Emergencies
The Rescue Squad/Police (911) should be called immediately in the event of any serious problem.
No medication, including aspirin, should ever be dispensed to the public.
If an injury occurs on Library property, complete an Incident Report.
- Bomb Threats
Upon receiving a threatening phone call, the person taking the call will ask the following questions:
When is the bomb going to explode? _________________________________
Where did you place the bomb? _____________________________________
What does the bomb look like? _____________________________________
What kind of bomb is it? __________________________________________
What will cause the bomb to explode? ________________________________
Did you place the bomb? __________________________________________
What’s your name? ______________________________________________
What is your address and telephone number? __________________________
Identifying Caller Information
Sex of the caller_____________________________________
Accent (If detectable)_________________________________
Time of call________________________________________
Did the caller sound like an adult? _______________________
Did the caller sound like a child? ________________________
Background sounds heard during the call__________________
Record as many of the caller’s exact words as possible __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
While on the phone, attempt to get the attention of another staff member to alert them of the emergency and to listen to the call.
Pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music and any other sounds which may indicate where the location from which the call is originating.
Listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments.
Immediately after the caller hangs up, clear the building. The police will handle the actual bomb search.
- Tornado Warning or Dangerous Weather
1. If a tornado or severe weather warning has been issued for a lengthy period of time-an hour or more, for a single county or multiple county area, include in the announcement that notify patrons that the Library will be closing for the rest of the day and that patrons who do not have responsible adults with them should call them for pick up. This decision will be made at the discretion of the Library Director or AD, after which the board will be notified. after consulting with the Board President, providing time permits.
2. If there is an immediate threat of a tornado, staff should gather all patrons to the women’s restroom. If a patron refuses to follow these guidelines, do not attempt to physically force them to do so.
3. Close all doors in the near vicinity.
4. All persons should remain in the designated areas until notified that it is safe to resume operations.
5. Only the Library Director or person designated by the Director will make statements to the staff and news media. The Director or AD will notify the Board President and other library officials of the situation as appropriate.
F.Weapons or Violent Incidences at the Library
Control of a hostage/shooter situation is the responsibility of local safety officials. Library staff members should not attempt to disarm anyone in possession of a weapon.
Weapons at the Library
While open carry of a firearm is permitted in Michigan, brandishing or threatening in any way (whether physical, verbal, or implied) is prohibited and is punishable by law. Other than open carry of a firearm, patrons are not allowed to possess any item that could be construed as a weapon. This includes, but is not limited to: knives, tactical batons, pepper spray, tasers, stun guns, and baseball bats.
If staff feels threatened, they should:
1. Call 911.
2. Answer questions from law enforcement.
3. Complete an Incident Report
Violent Incident
1. Call 911.
2. Record as many details as possible—time, location, number of patrons involved, and description of violators.
3. If possible, clear the building or area to protect patrons and staff from harm.
4. Provide any relevant information to law enforcement officers.
5. Complete an Incident Report
G.Emergency Closure of the Library
The Library is a public service institution, and every effort is made to maintain regular hours for the community. The Library will make every effort to close only when weather conditions deteriorate to the point where emergencies prevail, when vital equipment in the building fails (e.g., furnace malfunction, no water in the building, no electricity, etc.) or when there is a general emergency within the township of White Pigeon, local area, or state of Michigan.
The decision to close the Library will be based upon:
- General condition of the roads in the Library service area
- Condition of the Library’s parking lot and walkways
- Availability of staff to safely open and operate the Library
- Condition of the building’s equipment (e.g., utilities, furnace, electricity, automation)
- Requests for closure by local, county or state law enforcement agencies
The decision to close will be made by the Library Director or AD. If the Director or AD are is unavailable, the senior staff person on duty will make the decision after conferring with a Library Board member.
The Library will make every effort to pay staff members for their regularly scheduled hours during a closure.
H.School Closing Due to Illness
To prevent further spread of illness, the White Pigeon Township Library will limit its younger patron’s access to the library. During the days which White Pigeon Schools are closed due to illness, no one under 18 years of age will be permitted inside the library without a parent accompanying them at all times.
This will be in effect during all open hours, including Saturdays, until school is re-opened.
In addition, all children’s programming will be postponed or cancelled.
It is the hope of the Library Board that using this procedure will help combat the spread of the illness among our young patrons.
I. COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan
Basic Pandemic Strategies:
The best strategy to reduce the risk of becoming ill with COVID-19 is to avoid crowded settings and other situations that increase the risk of exposure to someone who may be infected. If you must be in a crowded setting, minimize your time there. Some basic hygiene and social distancing precautions that can be used in every workplace include the following:
· Staff is encouraged to stay home if you are sick or if you’ve come into contact with someone who is ill.
· Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for 20 seconds or with a hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.
· Avoid touching your nose, mouth and eyes.
· Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or cough and sneeze into your upper sleeve. Dispose of tissues in no-touch trash receptacles.
· Wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose.
· Avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with coworkers and patrons.
· Avoid shaking hands and always wash your hands after physical contact with others or handling money or returned library items.
· Staff may be required to wear face masks. If a staff member would like to wear their own personal face mask, they may do so provided the mask is sufficient to protect them, the patrons, and other staff members. The library will provide masks and gloves (if available for purchase) for staff if needed. If wearing gloves, always wash your hands after removing them.
· Keep frequently touched common surfaces (for example, telephones, computer equipment, etc.) clean.
· Try not to use other workers' phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment.
· Minimize group meetings; use a video meeting platform (such as Zoom), e-mails, phone and text messaging. If meetings are unavoidable, avoid close contact (within 6 feet) with others and ensure that the meeting room is properly ventilated.
· Limit unnecessary visitors to the workplace.
Closing library facilities:
Decisions to modify hours of operation or close the library will be made by the Director after discussion with the Library Board President and available staff, and communicated to the Library Board, township officials, and public through the normal procedure for closures.
Staff Reporting During a Pandemic:
Staff may be asked to report to work in a limited capacity during a pandemic, but only if the situation is deemed safe by the Director and Library Board with information gleaned from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), MIOSHA, and state and local authorities.
If allowable, the library may offer limited curbside service while practicing social distancing to keep staff and patrons as safe as possible.
The library will purchase the approved facemasks and have these on hand for staff use. In addition, disinfecting cleaners, gloves, disinfecting wipes or cleanser will be available. Instructions for how to maintain a sanitary work area will be discussed. Staff sharing common phones and/or equipment will be instructed in how to keep these clean and disinfected before use and between uses.
Any staff members that choose to self-quarantine for any length of time during the pandemic may do so without recourse. This staff member may use vacation or personal days for this self-quarantine, if available.
If, at any point, it is determined that the staff should not report for work during a pandemic, the Library will make every effort to pay the full wage of all employees, including the staff members that had previously chosen to self-quarantine. Staff will be given duties that can be performed at home.
There may be a period that a work-at-home order is put in place by MIOSHA, the health department, or other state or local entities. During a work-at-home order, employees that can perform their duties at home must work remotely. Because most library work involves interaction with the public and access to library records, those staff duties must be done at the library. Additionally, two staff members are required to work during all open hours to ensure staff security. The Director and AD will make every effort to assign duties that can be performed at home for a portion of each staff member’s scheduled work hours.
School closings:
If there are school closures during a pandemic or any mass illness and library is still operating, the library will follow the “School Closing Due to Illness” section of the Disasters Policy. This states:
To prevent further spread of illness, the White Pigeon Township Library will limit its younger patron’s access to the library. During the days which White Pigeon Schools are closed due to illness, no one under 18 years of age will be permitted inside the library without a parent accompanying them at all times.
This will be in effect during all open hours, including Saturdays, until school is re-opened.
In addition, all children’s programming will be postponed or cancelled.
It is the hope of the Library Board that using this procedure will help combat the spread of the illness among our young patrons.
Tasks that may be performed during closings:
- Inventory of collections
- Strategic Planning
- Plan and prepare for upcoming programs - both in-person and virtual
- Review of collections to determine any acquisition deficiencies
- Shift any collections to optimize shelf space
- Training opportunities for staff on software, databases and/or materials, programming, and services
- Update patron and history room files
- Insure input of any new collection material
- Proactively repair materials, including book jacket and spine label replacement
- Building upkeep (cleaning projects and repairs)
- Review and update policies, procedures and manuals
- Promotion of the library situation and services offered on all media outlets (email, news, radio, social media, newsletter, etc.)
- Continue phone and email reference services as permitted by the closure circumstances
- Suspension of fines, extension of due dates
- Offer temporary online cards to patrons to encourage digital media usage during closing
- Waive or suspend fines for patrons who wish to use digital media
- Reregister recently expired and cards to expire soon to prevent prohibition from digital media usage
If general staff is advised not to report:
When general staff is advised to stay home, the director and assistant director will be expected to perform certain functions to maintain library operations. Performance of these duties should be done from home if possible. These responsibilities include, but aren’t limited to:
- Empty book drop and process and quarantine returned materials
- Respond to patron questions via phone, email, and social media
- Maintain ordering, cataloging, and processing of new circulation items
- Payroll, accounts payable, and cash management
- Public relations and maintenance of library website and social media platforms
- Computer updates and upkeep
- Review and update policies, procedures and manuals
- Strategic Planning
- Promotion of the library situation and services offered on all media outlets (email, news, radio, social media, newsletter, etc.)
J.COVID-19 Pandemic Re-opening Policy and Guidelines
As the WPTL prepares to re-open after the COVID-19 pandemic closure, certain guidelines must be set in place. They include, but are not limited to, general staff safety, patron safety and conduct, cleaning guidelines, and phased re-opening plans. These requirements and procedures follow Executive Orders set forth by Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, MDHHS, and MIOSHA, but will remain adaptable as information and recommendations change.
During all phases of re-opening, the Director will have the authority to make decisions to ensure the safety of staff and patrons, as well as the well-being of the library. The Director will have the ability to change safety and cleaning protocols as needed, shift phases as necessary (either progressing or regressing), adjust staffing hours, and close the library if warranted.
During each phase of re-opening, the staff will abide by cleaning guidelines set forth by the library as directed by the CDC, MIOSHA, and state and local authorities. The staff will wear masks and practice social distancing from patrons and each other as noted in the Re-opening Plan. The library will provide masks and gloves for staff, although glove use will be optional.
If any staff member is ill, or has a person in their household who is ill with COVID-19, they are asked to quarantine at home according to the latest health department guidelines. Staff members who have symptoms of COVID-19, or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 must quarantine according to health department guidance for 10 days since onset of symptoms or administration of a positive test; have no fever for 24 hours; and any symptoms must be improved. Staff members who have been exposed to (in close contact with) someone diagnosed with COVID-19 are advised by health department guidelines to quarantine for 14 days from the time of last contact with the COVID-19 positive person.
If staff has traveled out of the state or traveled by commercial airlines, they are asked to follow health department guidelines and quarantine 14 days after their return. This requirement may change according to CDC and health department recommendations.
The following patron conduct policies will be strictly followed during the re-opening phases. These rules do not supersede the established patron conduct policies; but supplement them. They are specific to the current COVID-19 situation.
All of the following policies bullet points apply to Phase 3 and 4. If a patron is reprimanded or suspended from the library due to a violation of the Re-opening Policy rules, said patron will have the right to appeal the decision to the Library Board. This appeal must occur within 30 days of the incident.
- Patrons ages 2 and up are required to wear a face mask while in the library unless prohibited by a legitimate medical reason. If they don’t have a mask, the library will provide one to them. Patrons who are unable to wear a mask will be permitted into the library, but will be encouraged to use curbside service. Patrons unwilling to wear a mask will not be permitted into the library.
- Patrons may be asked to wait outside the building for a short time to ensure that the capacity of 12 people (not including staff) in the library is not exceeded. Patrons may wait on the sidewalk or in their car and are expected to do so respectfully and using proper safety and social distancing precautions.
- As stated in the Patron Responsibility and Conduct Policy, patrons are not allowed to use the library phone.
- Patrons will practice social distancing in the library by staying 6 feet away from other patrons and staff unless they live in the same household.
- Patrons appearing ill with COVID-19 symptoms, such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing, may be asked to avoid entering the library. They will not be barred from entering as long as they are using established safety precautions, but they will be encouraged to use curbside service instead of being assisted inside the library.
- If patrons are not practicing proper social distancing, or if they are not using proper safety precautions (coughing on or near other patrons or staff, etc.) they will be reminded by staff to do so. If a patron still does not comply, they will be asked to leave the library. A patron conduct form will be completed for each incident. A patron’s library usage may be suspended if they consistently challenge this rule, or it they are belligerent or disrespectful to staff or other patrons.
- Patrons will refrain from touching, coughing or spitting on, moving or pushing, the protective acrylic screen at the circulation desk.
All of the following bullet points apply to Phases 5. If a patron is reprimanded or suspended from the library due to a violation of the Re-opening Policy rules, said patron will have the right to appeal the decision to the Library Board. This appeal must occur within 30 days of the incident.
- Unvaccinated patrons ages 2 and up are required to wear a face mask while in the library unless prohibited by a legitimate medical reason. If they don’t have a mask, the library will provide one to them. Patrons who are unable to wear a mask will be permitted into the library, but will be encouraged to use curbside or drive-through (WPTL TO GO) service.
- Patrons may be asked to wait outside the building for a short time to ensure that the capacity of 50 people (not including staff) in the library is not exceeded. Patrons may wait on the sidewalk or in their car and are expected to do so respectfully and using proper safety and social distancing precautions.
- As stated in the Patron Responsibility and Conduct Policy, patrons are not allowed to use the library phone.
- Unvaccinated patrons will practice social distancing in the library by staying 6 feet away from other patrons and staff unless they live in the same household.
- Any patron appearing ill with COVID-19 symptoms, such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing, may be asked to avoid entering the library. They will not be barred from entering as long as they are using established safety precautions, but they will be encouraged to use curbside service or WPTL TO GO instead of being assisted inside the library.
- If patrons are not using proper safety precautions (coughing on or near other patrons or staff, etc.) they will be reminded by staff to do so. If a patron still does not comply, they will be asked to leave the library. A patron conduct form will be completed for each incident. A patron’s library usage may be suspended if they consistently challenge this rule, or it they are belligerent or disrespectful to staff or other patrons.
- Patrons will refrain from touching, coughing or spitting on, moving or pushing, the protective acrylic screen at the circulation desk.
All of the following bullet points apply to Phases 6. If a patron is reprimanded or suspended from the library due to a violation of the Re-opening Policy rules, said patron will have the right to appeal the decision to the Library Board. This appeal must occur within 30 days of the incident.
- Mask wearing will be optional for patrons regardless of their vaccination status.
- As stated in the Patron Responsibility and Conduct Policy, patrons are not allowed to use the library phone.
- Any patron appearing ill with COVID-19 symptoms, such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing, may be asked to avoid entering the library. They will not be barred from entering as long as they are using established safety precautions, but they will be encouraged to use curbside service or WPTL TO GO instead of being assisted inside the library.
- If patrons are not using proper safety precautions (coughing on or near other patrons or staff, etc.) they will be reminded by staff to do so. If a patron still does not comply, they will be asked to leave the library. A patron conduct form will be completed for each incident. A patron’s library usage may be suspended if they consistently challenge this rule, or it they are belligerent or disrespectful to staff or other patrons.
- Patrons will refrain from touching, coughing or spitting on, moving or pushing, the protective acrylic screen at the circulation desk.
Re-opening Plan after closure during the Covid-19 Pandemic
During the re-opening process, the library will do its best to continue its regular hours of:
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The library will open in phases, starting with staff and no patrons, followed by curbside or WPTL TO GO service with no patrons allowed into the building, and eventually, opening the building to patrons. The library will follow recommendations of the CDC, Library of Michigan, MIOSHA, MDHHS, and state and local mandates to help determine the length of each phase.
The proposed phases are:
Phase 1 - Staff reports with no patron interaction
Phase 2 - Curbside service, with no patrons entering the building
Phase 3 - Curbside/WPTL TO GO service, with limited by-appointment computer use
Phase 4 - Open with extra precautions
Phase 5 - Open with relaxed precautions
Phase 6 - Return to normal operations
All in-person programming is suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic and any other closure due to public health situations. The staff will continue to serve the community’s programming needs to the best of their ability using virtual programming. Resumption of in-person programming will be at the discretion of the Director and as advised by the Library of Michigan, CDC, MDHHS, and state and local authorities.
Staff Hours
The library will make every effort to bring the entire staff back to work during re-opening with their normal work schedule. If the staff is brought back with limited hours, the Library Director and Assistant Director (AD) will make their best attempt to keep the staff working at a percentage of their normal hours to show fairness to the entire staff. During complete shutdown, the board agreed to pay staff their full wage. Commencing at the start of the re-opening phases, staff will be paid for time worked only.
If there is a medical, child-care, or other concern regarding any employee returning to work during this time, that should be discussed with the Director or AD. The employee may choose to use FMLA leave or unemployment compensation during their time off.
Re-open in phases
During phases 1 through 4 5, the staff will be expected to wear non-medical masks during patron interactions, when patrons are present in the building, or anytime social distancing cannot be achieved among staff members. The mask requirement for staff may extend into phase 6, dependent upon MIOSHA rules and other recommendations. Masks (and gloves, when appropriate) will be provided by the library, but staff members may wear their own mask if it is sufficient to protect themselves and others. There will be an effort to allow staff to work in different zones of the library to gain more physical separation. The staff will be instructed to wash their hands frequently and to use the cleaning guidelines set forth by the library.
Before every shift, each staff member will be required to complete the COVID-19: Employee Screening Questions and Guidelines form. Employees who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify the Director or AD immediately.
Phase 1 - All Staff Reporting
Staff will report and be expected to perform their normally assigned duties in addition to the tasks that will be required to enable re-opening to patrons. These tasks include, but are not limited to:
- adapting and adhering to new cleaning procedures and schedules
- double-scanning, cleaning, repairing and re-shelving books that have reached the end of quarantine
- preparing the library for patron usage
- moving furniture, computers, etc. to encourage social distancing
- removing and replacing featured book exhibits, updating display case and new books tables
- planning and implementation of virtual programming
During Phase 1, staff will:
- practice social distancing from other staff members
- wear face masks when working in the same area as another staff member
- wear gloves as needed
- wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day
Phase 2 - Curbside Service, with no patrons entering the building
Curbside service (or WPTL TO GO) will begin with no patrons allowed in the building. The staff will continue to prepare the building and library collections for the next phases. Curbside service and drive-through service are much more time-consuming than normal patron interactions, so the staff will be kept busy dividing their time between curbside contacts and next phase preparation. Curbside procedures are as follows.
Staff will:
- wear masks when waiting on patrons or when in the same area as another staff member.
- empty the book drop twice a day - at opening and closing times.
- offer a welcoming environment to patrons, even with the drawbacks of wearing a mask and being outside.
- receive and distribute circulating items at a table set outside the entrance or through the drive-through. The table and its contents (pens, clipboard, etc.) will be cleaned frequently throughout the day.
- practice social distancing as much as possible by keeping the table between staff and patrons and stepping back from the drive-through area if necessary.
- encourage patrons to check out and happily offer to retrieve items for them.
- market virtual programming and online offerings to interested patrons.
- also offer copies, faxes, laminating, notarizing, printing, interloan, and new library cards.
- all take part in cleaning and adhere to the cleaning and safety guidelines set forth by the library.
- check in, scan to ‘In Repair’, and put returned circulated items in the designated quarantine space. Items will remain in quarantine for 72 hours.
- double-scan, clean, repair and re-shelve books that have reached the end of quarantine.
- wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day and especially after each interaction with patrons.
- be encouraged to keep a phone and writing materials on their person throughout their shift to limit contact by multiple staff members.
- follow cleaning procedures and schedules.
- continue to plan and implement virtual programming.
Phase 3 - Curbside/WPTL TO GO, with limited by-appointment computer use
Curbside service will continue, but with the added service of limited by-appointment computer usage. Patrons age 18 and older will be allowed to make an appointment to use a public computer. The guidelines for this service are as follows:
- Patrons may make an appointment by calling or emailing the library, or messaging on Facebook. Appointments are not valid until confirmed by library staff.
- 30 minutes per day per patron
- One patron allowed in the building at a time.
- No patron under 18 years of age will be allowed in the library building.
- The staff will not be allowed to help with technology needs, due to social distancing requirements.
- Public computers will be cleaned after each patron use.
- Public restrooms will remain locked during Phase 3 and will not be available to patrons.
During Phase 3, staff expectations are the same as Phase 2, with the addition of cleaning public computers after usage and any other duties associated with limited public presence in the library.
Patron conduct regulations during Phase 3 will be as follows:
- Patrons must wear a face mask at all times while in the library unless prohibited by a legitimate medical reason.
- Patrons will practice social distancing by staying 6 feet away from staff unless they live in the same household.
- Patrons will only have access to one computer in the adult computer area. They will not be allowed in any other parts of the library, including the seating and study areas, stacks, children’s room, and circulation area. This will be strictly enforced.
- Restrooms will remain locked and will not be available to patrons.
- If patrons are not practicing proper social distancing, they will be reminded by staff to do so. If a patron still does not comply, they will be asked to leave the library. A patron conduct form will be completed for each incident. Patron’s library usage may be suspended if they consistently challenge this rule, or it they are belligerent or disrespectful to staff or other patrons.
Phase 4 - Open with extra precautions
Library doors will open to patrons with curbside and drive-through service continuing according to patron preference. The staff will be practicing cleaning and safety procedures and will have a confident understanding of the importance of social distancing and how to promote and enforce it in the library. Signage will be posted to remind patrons of expected conduct.
Certain special rules and guidelines will be in place for patrons and staff:
- Patrons ages 5 2 and up are required to wear a face mask or face shield at all times while in the library unless prohibited by a legitimate medical reason. If they don’t have a mask, (or, if needed, a face shield), the library will provide it to them. Patrons unable to wear a mask will be permitted into the library, but will be encouraged to use curbside or WPTL TO GO service. Patrons unwilling to wear a mask will not be permitted into the library.
- Until Michigan enters Phase 5 of its Safe Start Plan for schools, which is 100% Y5 - 12th grade in-person instruction, children ages 7 and up will be allowed in the library during school hours without being accompanied by an adult. As always, children under age 7 must be continually attended by a parent or designated responsible adult while in the library.
- As stated in the Patron Conduct and Responsibilities Policy, patrons shall be engaged in activities associated with the use of the Library while in the building or on library property. Patrons not engaged in reading, studying, writing, participating in scheduled library programs, or using library materials shall be required to leave the building and shall not remain on Library property. See section XI. of library policies for full details.
- Patrons are encouraged to keep their library visits under 30 minutes.
- Patrons will practice social distancing by staying 6 feet away from other patrons and staff unless they live in the same household.
- If patrons are not practicing proper social distancing, they will be reminded by staff to do so. If a patron still does not comply, they will be asked to leave the library. A patron conduct form will be completed for each incident. Patron’s library usage may be suspended if they consistently challenge this rule, or it they are belligerent or disrespectful to staff or other patrons.
- Computers and seating will be adjusted to ensure that social distancing is possible.
- Restroom and history room capacity will be one person unless the occupants live in the same household
- The Dorothy Lee Room will not be available for meetings.
- Protective acrylic screens will be in place at the circulation desk. If a patron chooses to move to a space where there is no guard, staff may step back from the desk to create a 6-foot distance.
- Patrons will refrain from touching, coughing or spitting on, moving or pushing, the protective acrylic screen at the circulation desk.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be in the children’s room and the main library area for patrons to use.
- Head phones will be removed from no longer be offered at the public computers. If a patron needs to use the audio function on a computer, they may use their own headphones or purchase a low-cost set of earbuds or headphones from the library.
- The capacity of the library will be limited to 12 people, not including staff. This capacity may change according to guidelines set forth by the Library of Michigan and state and local authorities. If the library is at capacity, a staff member will stand by the door to ask patrons to wait until someone exits before they enter the building.
(Phase 4, continued)
Staff will:
- wear masks when waiting on patrons, when a patron is in the library building, or when in the same area as another staff member.
- offer a welcoming environment to patrons, even with the drawbacks of wearing a mask.
- market virtual programming and online offerings to interested patrons.
- practice social distancing as much as possible.
- check in, scan to ‘In Repair’, and put returned circulated items in the designated quarantine space. Items will remain in quarantine for 72 hours.
- double-scan, clean, repair and re-shelve books that have reached the end of quarantine
- wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day and especially after each interaction with patrons.
- be encouraged to keep a phone and writing materials on their person throughout their shift to limit contact by multiple staff members
- follow established cleaning procedures and schedules as noted in Zone Cleaning Checklist.
- continue to plan and implement virtual programming
Phase 5 - Open with Relaxed Precautions
Following the recommendations of the CDC, MIOSHA, MDHHS, and the Library of Michigan, as well as state and local mandates, the following will occur:
- Curbside and WPTL TO GO service will remain an option, according to patron preferences.
- The capacity of the library will be limited to 50 people, not including staff. This capacity may change according to guidelines set forth by the Library of Michigan and state and local authorities. If the library is at capacity, a staff member will stand by the door to ask patrons to wait until someone exits before they enter the building.
- Unvaccinated patrons ages 2 and up are required to wear a face mask or face shield at all times while in the library unless prohibited by a legitimate medical reason. If they don’t have a mask, (or, if needed, a face shield), the library will provide it to them. Patrons unable to wear a mask will be permitted into the library, but will be encouraged to use curbside or WPTL TO GO service.
- Vaccinated patrons may enter and use the library without a mask or face shield if they wish.
- Cleaning procedures for high-touch surfaces such as computer keyboards, countertops, and door handles will still be in place. Routine cleaning will move from two times a day to once per day (1 p.m. Monday-Friday), but tables, chairs, public computers, and imagination play and seating areas will be cleaned after each use.
- Protective acrylic screens at the circulation desk will remain in place.
- Unvaccinated patrons will continue to social distance from staff and other patrons.
- Computers and seating will be adjusted to ensure that social distancing is possible.
- The Dorothy Lee Room may re-open for meetings if allowed by state and local authorities.
- Gatherings for in-person programming will resume at limited capacities, but virtual programming will continue to be the ideal option.
Staff will:
- wear masks when waiting on patrons, when a patron is in the library building, or when in the same area as another staff member.
- offer a face mask to those who come in without one. If the patron refuses, staff will assume that the patron (16 years and older) have been vaccinated. Staff will not ask a patron of their vaccination status.
- all take part in cleaning and adhere to the cleaning and safety guidelines set forth by the library
- check in, scan to ‘In Quarantine’, and put returned circulated items in the designated quarantine space. Items will remain in quarantine for 72 hours.
- double-scan, clean, repair and re-shelve books that have reached the end of quarantine
- wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day and especially after each interaction with patrons.
- be encouraged to keep a phone and writing materials on their person throughout their shift to limit contact by multiple staff members
- continue to plan and implement virtual programming along with in-person programming, if advisable.
- continue to follow cleaning procedures for high-touch surfaces such as computer keyboards, countertops, and door handles. Routine cleaning will move from two times a day to once per day (1 p.m. Monday-Friday), but tables, chairs, public computers, and imagination play and seating areas will be cleaned after each use.
Phase 6 - Return to Normal Operations
Following the recommendations of the CDC, MIOSHA, and the Library of Michigan, as well as state and local mandates, the following may occur:
- WPTL TO GO service will remain an option, according to patron preferences.
- Library capacity restrictions will return to normal levels.
- All public computers will be available.
- Toys and dress-up items will be returned to the children’s room.
- Face masks will be optional for patrons.
- Cleaning procedures for high-touch surfaces such as computer keyboards, countertops, and door handles will still be in place.
- Protective acrylic screens at the circulation desk may be removed.
- Social distancing enforcement will be relaxed.
- The Dorothy Lee Room will re-open for meetings.
- Gatherings for in-person programming will resume, in addition to virtual programming.
Based on guidance from the MIOSHA COVID-19 Emergency Rules updated June 22, 2021, staff will:
- have the option of wearing a facemask during work. The library will continue to supply both facemasks and disposable gloves for staff use.
- continue to take part in cleaning and adhere to the cleaning and safety guidelines set forth by the library.
- check in, scan to ‘In Quarantine’, and put returned circulated items in the designated hold space. Items will remain in hold until the next business day.
- wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently throughout the day and especially after each interaction with patrons.
- be encouraged to keep a phone and writing materials on their person throughout their shift to limit contact by multiple staff members.
- continue to plan and implement virtual programming along with in-person programming, if advisable.
Employees who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, or who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify the Director or AD immediately.
Cleaning Guidelines and Procedures During Re-Opening Phases
Cleaning guidelines and procedures will be adhered to by all staff. Furthermore, all staff will take part in daily cleaning cycles. These strategies have been developed using recommendations of the CDC and state and local authorities. As with other procedures in the Re-Opening Plan, these guidelines may be fortified or relaxed according to the situation at hand.
Each cleaning cycle will consist of one staff member using a soap and water solution to pre-clean visibly dirty surfaces (except electronics) and a second staff member disinfecting each surface with an approved disinfectant like Lysol, alcohol wipes, or bleach solution. Upholstery will be sprayed with Lysol until damp and allowed to air dry. Staff may choose to wear disposable gloves during each cleaning cycle and discard them after each use. They will wash their hands after removing the gloves.
The zones of cleaning and the frequency of cleaning cycles will vary according to which phase of re-opening is in place, and whether staff or patrons have been present in all areas of the library.
Items to be cleaned during each cycle are listed in the Zone Cleaning Checklist.
Phase 1 and 2
Cleaning cycles will begin at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Zones to be cleaned will consist of the areas used by staff.
Phase 3
Cleaning cycles will begin at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Zones to be cleaned will consist of the areas used by staff. Public computers will be cleaned between each use.
Phase 4
Cleaning cycles will begin at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Every zone in the library will be cleaned during each cycle unless it is determined that no one has utilized that zone since the last cycle. Public computers will be cleaned between each use.
Phase 5
Cleaning cycle will begin at 1 p.m.
Every zone in the library will be cleaned during each cycle unless it is determined that no one has utilized that zone since the last cycle. Public computers will be cleaned between each use.
Phase 6
Cleaning cycle will begin at 1 p.m.
Every zone in the library will be cleaned during each cycle unless it is determined that no one has utilized that zone since the last cycle. Public computers, tables, chairs, and imagination play area and its contents will be cleaned between each use.
As mentioned earlier, this plan must be fluid and staff should be ready to add or adjust tasks and procedures to best serve the patrons and the community. If there is any resurgence of COVID-19, it may be necessary to take a step back, say, from Phase 3 to Phase 2, or to close the library, at the advice of authorities and in order to ensure the safety of all involved.
Zone Cleaning Check List
Cleaning guidelines and procedures will be adhered to by all staff. Furthermore, all staff will take part in daily cleaning cycles at 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. during Phases 1 through 4 and at 1 p.m. during Phase 5 and 6.
Each cleaning cycle will consist of one staff member using a soap and water solution to pre-clean visibly dirty surfaces (except electronics) and a second staff member disinfecting each surface with an approved disinfectant like Lysol, alcohol wipes, or bleach solution.
Electronics will be cleaned with a vinegar and water solution and microfiber cloth.
Upholstery will be sprayed with Lysol or Microban until damp and allowed to air dry.
Sneeze guard needs to be checked for smudges and dust. Clean with Windex and duster as needed.
Items in the baskets of browsed items (videos, books, audio books, magazines) will be cleaned with a disinfecting wipe, scanned as an In-House check out, and put into quarantine for 72 hours.
Staff members will clean and sanitize their own work area after use (Perri’s desk, Lisa’s desk, cataloguing area, lunch area, and staff restroom).
Staff will follow the zone cleaning check list during cleaning and disinfecting, initialing each area completed. Staff may wear disposable gloves during each cleaning cycle and discard them after each use. They will wash their hands after removing the gloves.
The cleaning checklist and procedures may be adjusted according to library usage, products used, and as advised by the CDC and state and local authorities.
Zone 1: Ruth Harris Area
͟ study carrel and chair
͟ Ruth Harris table top, side table, wooden chairs, & upholstered chairs
͟ fireplace remote
͟ staff table & chairs
͟ green upholstered chairs
͟ Reference keyboard & mouse
͟ baskets of browsed items
Zone 2: Circulation Desk/ Main Area
͟ Circulation desk counter tops, & drawer handles
͟ writing utensils, tape dispensers, staplers, & scissors
͟ electronics (keyboards, mice, barcode scanners, library cellular phone, television remotes, landline phones, & printers)
͟ check sneeze guard
͟ book cart handles
͟ light switches
͟ upholstered chairs & side tables
͟ 2 round study tables & chairs
͟ YA & Adult computer keyboards, mice, & counters
͟ baskets of browsed items
͟ History room desk, chairs, & light switch
Zone 3: Children’s Area
͟ Tables & chairs
͟ Light switches
͟ Upholstered chairs
͟ Computer keyboards, mice, & counters
͟ Imagination play items
͟ baskets of browsed items
Zone 4: Dorothy Lee Room/ Public Bathrooms, Vestibule
͟ door knobs, buttons, door handles
͟ bench
͟ soap dispenser & toilet handle
͟ bathroom key
͟ light switches
͟ outdoor book drop
͟ outdoor patron table & its contents
Zone 5: Staff Area
͟ backdoor handle & lock
͟ counter top, faucet, soap dispenser, hand sanitizer pump
͟ cabinet handles
͟ copier screen & drawer handles
͟ microwave & refrigerator
͟ used writing utensils, staplers, tape dispensers, & scissors
Incident Report Form
PERSON INVOLVED _____________________________________________________________
Last Name First Name MI
MALE or FEMALE (circle one) AGE _________ EMPLOYEE or VISITOR (circle one)
If visitor, include home address, home phone and reason for presence _____________________
Exact Location of Incident _________________________________________________________
Date & Time of Incident ___________________________________________________________
Property/Equipment Involved? ______________________________________________________
Description of incident by person involved - Describe what happened and why it happened. If there was an injury, state the particulars of the injury. If Property/Equipment was damaged, describe.
Name, address & phone numbers of witnesses:
If necessary to notify physician, include time notified, time responded, physician’s name:
Additional Comments ____________________________________________________________________
Person completing this form _________________________________ Date ________________
Received by staff member ___________________________________ Date ________________
updated 12/27/2021